Monday, January 30, 2006

Hookahs, Asians and little kids

Ms. Sadat dances away at 3 am with the owner of marrakesh cafe on Hillsborough St.

Happy Year of the Dog!

Yeah, he'll eat you.

Mitch's, for you long hairs unable to be here.

Lower West Side Fools!!!!! Blast you....

He kicked a dragon's ass and cut off it's head and put it on a pike and ran around with it in a
yellow suit.

This Chinese opera thing was neat but kinda creepy, like the make-up and the shrill singing...

Lens was all fogged up and I wanted to play with it.

Not the best shot of these twirly girls....Ray....

I see you

Dad tickles his daughter while playing Bingo

Shot from a shoot at Tech, 2700 white balance... and a wire taped to her head... you figure it out.

1 comment:

Ray Black III said...

Yet another nasty update from a dog of mine. Nasty, man. Swimmin' picture is pure nasty. Your APAD front is also pure nasty (it just ain't made it there yet). The Hookahs picture (incidentally, that's the same way you'd spell it if you were talking about 'women of the night') is dank, so now I'll talk about what sucks.

'eat you face' isn't doing anything for me. It's a little blurry, there's nothing for me to look at and connect with, it's just a blank, pink face; what are you trying to say, 'this is Grant' or something? I ain't feelin' it at all. I like what you're doing with 'yellow dragon head guy', but I'd like separation between foreground yellow guy and background yellow guy on the right. Right now they're all munged together. Chinese opera shot ... there's no easy way to say this, dog... that's a yearbook picture (except that it's in-focus and correctly color balanced). C'mon, challenge yourself. Your chinese ribbon girl is really very good, nicely weighted and the space is filled well, but things seem to converge outside the frame. Looks like you missed it by just a few inches, as everything spills out of the top of the frame, and my eye keeps wanting to see the convergence point. Still, very close. The I see you picture is blurry, but not blurry enough.

That's all I'm gonna say.